::Wednesday, January 21, 2004::
k, i wrote this really dumb poem, but when i read over it, i laughed. maybe you can laught to. its about boys, by the way.
I love the boys that smile
and make good first impressions.
I love the guys that hug you
but dont have bad intentions.
I love the boys who treat me well
like Im really in the crowd.
The onse who can be quiet,
but know when to be loud.
Honestly, i love the boys
that flirt and yell and play.
The guys that, when youre with them,
they make a better day.
I love the boys you can talk to
and theyll never breathe a word
about anything you said to them,
or anything they've heard.
My advice to you, dear girls
is keep your standards high.
If you lok for the important things,
youll get the perfect guy!
ok, so im weird. so sure me.
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:: 9:20 AM::
::Thursday, January 08, 2004::
K, I'm sitting in the library talking to Tim Thiessen. We're talking about how I go crazy when guys do nice things. The pet peeves are things like opening the doors for me, pouring my drink, walking on the outside of the street, standing up when i happen upon them. I know I should take advantage of this, but I think a past friendship I had reminds me alot of this, and it kindadrives me nuts. im independant in lots of ways, and as much as i secretly ike it, i dont want people to think im high maintenaince or that i need to be babied. i hate being babied!!!!!! The worst thing is a persistant guy. i knew a guy who would tackle me, pick me up, and carry me thru the door if i refused to go first. i know this was his way of goofing around and showing affection, but it was kinda frustrating. im sure one day ill get used to it, and ill love it to bits. also, it all depends on the guy. If hes doing it because helikes you, or if you guys r just friends, thatts better, but if he has stupid intentions, then stay away! I learned that myself! I think chivalrous guys r great, but ive got to be really comfortable with them first. welp, im signing off now. Thoughts on Him :) Hailey
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:: 2:05 PM::
::Monday, January 05, 2004::
I want to go up
and I want to soar
higher than anyone
has gone before.
Higher than up
and lighter than air.
Floating around
somewhere up there.
To close my eyes
as I silently fly
thru the star-studded
velvety sky.
To let go of my worries
and all that I hate
and all of my thoughts
of my past, future, fate.
I want to go up
but the problem I fear
is all of the gravity
keeping me here.
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:: 9:59 AM::
::Hailey Jeanne::
girl| OXOXOXOXOXOX | femme | loves | piano | guitar | long romantic walks on the beach |
writing| singing | pineapple | the color orange | white chocolate | family | my roomie | laughing out loud | blowing bubbles | smiling | Softsoap Milk & Honey body wash | making up my own words |