::Monday, March 15, 2004::
k, its been awhile, and i figure since i just went to west ed FOR THE FIRST TIME, that i should give a shout out and tell you guys what it was like.
my goal was to go on a roller coaster, cuz i never have. i went on the swing of the century, the space shot, the little version of the space shot, the train(haha) and the ferris wheel. (hahaha) then i figured that i felt so sick, and i shouldnt do the roller coaster, cuz i was gonna barf, so me and darla went shopping to walk off me nausea. it didnt go away, so i bought a booster juice with an energy booster. i felt great, andf we went to do the roller coaster at last. i was nervous out of my head, but i did it anyway. all i can say is, whie youre climbing the first hill, the antisipation eats you alive, but that one moment..if anyones been on this, they can relate...when the coaster stops...when everyone is dead silent...when could hear a pin drop...you just wanna cry, and suddenly youre off! wowowowowowowowowow!!!!!!!! thats all i can say.
k, this was funny. i was debating climbling the wall as the last thing i did. i guess i was lookin a little lost, so the guy working the wall asked me if i wanted to climb. there was a guy and girl working it, and they appeared really nice. we all ended up in a conversation, and everyone seemed to be having fun, when suddenly, without warning, the chic turened red with anger. she said that i was manipulating the staff and that i had to either climb the wall or get out. i was so shocked. the guy turned to her, and was like "we can talk to the customers, ya know". she just got this cocky look and was like "shes not a costomer. shes not climbing, and she taking you away from your work." i couldve laughted, cuz no one else wanted to climb, so wasnt taking him from anything. then the clencher came. he looked at her, and was like"ya know, jealousy doesnt suit you". she just flamed,and yelled at me to get out. i patted the guy on the shoulder and was like "o should go. sorry i TALKED TO YOU!" then i left, and i laughed about it. i couldve gotten that chic kicked out. o the tempations...
:: 1:22 PM::
::Hailey Jeanne::
girl| OXOXOXOXOXOX | femme | loves | piano | guitar | long romantic walks on the beach |
writing| singing | pineapple | the color orange | white chocolate | family | my roomie | laughing out loud | blowing bubbles | smiling | Softsoap Milk & Honey body wash | making up my own words |