::Tuesday, June 21, 2005::
things have changed since the last time i wrote. schools almost out and i have to write an exam from hell tomorrow. besides that, im mostly happy...even happier due to exciting changes in my life. if you are anyone who knows me, you know what im talking about. this years grade twelve class graduates on the 27th, and i head to camp for staff training the next day. then i live at camp most of the summer. im very excited to JC for another summer. i love the people at camp, the spiritual high from camp, and the fact that im not at school when im at camp.
lately purity is on my mind. beautiful kim bitner bought me "every young womans battle" and i go back thru it often. im trying to learn to say things to an important guy without coming across as sexual. i keep praying for help in that area, but so far i havent messed anything up...yet.
im just getting everyone up to date, so heres another new thing on my plate. if you dont already know, i had a bit of a meltdown on friday and missed school from third on. did you hear about the car crash right outside of north battleford? welp, i had a friend from camp in that car. her name was steph parkinson and i worked at camp with her. although i wasnt terribly close to her, it smacked my in the face when i realized that i could have been a better friend to her, but not its too late. looking at it logically, i know i couldnt have prevented it, but i know how little kids feel when something bad happened and they feel responsible. i guess i wish i was better to her because out in battleford, she didnt have a large christian influence and i wish i couldve done something. o well. lay your burdens at Gods feet right? alright. anyways, i think thats the end of my shpeal. i hope everyone survives thru exams and has an awesome summer. Blessings!
:: 10:38 AM::
::Hailey Jeanne::
girl| OXOXOXOXOXOX | femme | loves | piano | guitar | long romantic walks on the beach |
writing| singing | pineapple | the color orange | white chocolate | family | my roomie | laughing out loud | blowing bubbles | smiling | Softsoap Milk & Honey body wash | making up my own words |