::Wednesday, March 29, 2006::
k, heres the story. i got in at bethany!!!! im super pumped! everyone told me that "of course i would get in" and "who doesnt?'' i took it all for granted, but then i realized that if i didnt get in, i would be devastated, especially since i was so looking forward to it. thank goodness i got it. i came home from manitoba and saw the letter on my bed. then there was a message saved on the phone from a staff member that i know saying how excited he was. what makes this even better is that jerilee and i are probably rooming together! plus, even better...my grandma gave me a blender, and toaster oven, and an elecctric kettle. plus, i already have a hot pot and a sandwich maker, and jerilee has a popcorn air popper! she and i will be food central!!!! woot woot for awesomeness. thats kinda the highlight of life right about now. im excited for college, and just to be out of somewhere i know so well and experience something new. im ready to dive in and get my hands dirty! by the way, if youre reading this, im sending you a support letter! see how many comments i get now, bahaha!
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:: 10:09 AM::
::Tuesday, March 07, 2006::
welp, if youve read steph or jess's blogs, by now youll know that the redberry retreat was awesome. im going to try to go over some of the details, but my writings wont be able to do the weekend justice.
on friday we were forced to play the dreaded "get to know you" games. i was trying to have a positive attitude and get myself excited for the notorious game of "shuffle your buns" in the gym, but plans changes. instead, we played the piggy-back game...outside...ON THE ICE! it was special. i always feel bad about breaking peoples backs. after games, i sat with my waldheim buddy jeana at chapel and was introduced to matt and joel. these three are officially hilarious and i couldnt have asked for more entertaining company over the weekend. i went hottubbing that night with jeana and a whole whack of waldheim girls. basically, i joined their youth group last weekend. it was awesome - they were awesome.
saturday was great. it began snowing early on in the day and didnt let up for the rest of the weekend, but the snowflakes were big and the weather was warm. we went on a sleigh/hay ride where a tractor pulled two trailers behind it full of us rambunctous youths. the first trailer was reserved for people who wanted a pleasant ride and who wanted to be safe and stuff. i was tempted to go on that one, but it looked to quiet and i ended up puttin myself in a dangerous position. what goes thru my head? will i never learn? i always think that no one will pick on me and that if i stay quiet, nice, and happy, ill be safe. not so much. joel grabbed onto me and tried to throw me off the trailer. i grabbed onto the nearest thing for dear life. that just happened to be matt. poor guy. i just met him the day before and now i had him in a death-grip hug. he tried to save me but joel prevailed. in fact, he prevailed twice...jerk. then greg and thomas each grabbed a leg and tried to pull me in. joel and matt saved me a couple times, but finally they joined together with dalmeny to throw me off into the snow. besides that and getting stuffed into the gap between the hay bails and having my own little coffin in there, the ride was pain free! so yeah, after that i was remotely chilly, so i went hottubbing around 3:00 or 3:30 (i cant remember exactly). i stayed in till 5:00. only matt stuck it out with me til then, everyone else whimped out, but i needed to stay. i never get to hotub and ill take advantage of it whenever i can. after supper and chapel and the awesome worship band, i went hottubbing again, from 11:00 to about 12:30. i was dizzy but thank goodness matt and joel both had water bottles so i was okay. then the two boys, jeana, and i went to the dining hall and just bummed around for like half as hour until terry came and made us go to our cabins. every party has a pooper hey?
anyways, the last day, sunday, was good. chapel was good, brunch was good, everything was good. i whooped matt in air hockey (dont resent me for that) and that was good, but jeana and matt slaughtered me and joel a couple times. as usual, dalmeny's youth group had to force me to leave, so i got my hugs and pictures and was on my way. however, i dont want to post all my pictures here since theyre all already on my myspace. check them out at myspace.com/haileyjeanne itll be a party. Ill post this one though. These people

are the best. heres my tribute to my awesome waldheim people. matt is completely the bomb. hes such an encourager and i dont know if he even realizes that. he and i together can out-hottub anyone, plus i can whoop him at air hockey so whats not to love? in the back there is justin. (not the ex-boyfriend justin, the youth pastor justin.) hes hilarious and he made me feel really welcome with waldheim. he has an abundant head which fills a lovely toque that i actually borrowed for an entire evening and he wasnt event ticked. then theres joel. hes energetic and sarcastic. he called me fat once but other than that, i have nothing against him. hes good at air hockey, but he often wins by default cuz i suck and tend to score on myself. funny kid with three chest hairs (which he pulled out tryinbg to threaten me in the hottub.) then there is my lovely jeana. shes also a huge encouragement to me. she sits with me when i cry and gives great hugs. she welcomed me into her youth group this weekend and introduced me to the coolest people. jeana is beautiful and honest. shes a sister. now in the back, i think thats terry, but im not positive. um, i dont know him very well, but my family's cars are always broken and he always fixes them so ive got no beef with that. plus hes got more stories than ive got arm hair and anyone who has ever looked at my arms knows that thats a lot of stories. i love these people. i hope you guys can read this someday.
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:: 10:29 AM::
::Hailey Jeanne::
girl| OXOXOXOXOXOX | femme | loves | piano | guitar | long romantic walks on the beach |
writing| singing | pineapple | the color orange | white chocolate | family | my roomie | laughing out loud | blowing bubbles | smiling | Softsoap Milk & Honey body wash | making up my own words |