::Monday, May 08, 2006::
k, i know that the bus crash on the weekend is the hot topic of conversation and people are probably really sick of hearing about it. i know that no one wants to hear about it from my perspective because i wasnt on the bus. i know that no one wants to relive the scenario over and over, but i dont care...cuz its my blog. i never got on the bus, but i spent the night at the church with the rest of the group. i watched two horrible movies with a couple of awesome people. i made a new friend. tristan block, you are officially the best. i really just bummmed around with a small crowd and we all got sleepy and slow-moving throughout the evening/very early morning. when everyone piled onto the bus, i walked away, tired, and floating in a bubble of jealousy. i wanted to go soooo bad, but i knew my priority was at home sleeping in her bed, mentally preparing for the weekend of bridal showers she would face in the morning. i got home at 5:30 and died in my bed. i woke up around 10:00 i think, but i cant exactly remember. i headed out to saskatoon almost right away with my siblings to buy simon and dress shirt for caitys wedding. as we were backing out of the driveway, my mom came running. she told me she just got off the phone with one of my friends and they said the bus had crashed. i ran inside and phones around. people were in hospitals, andthat was scary. the bus ran off the road and thru the ditch and that was scary. people are all bruised up and that was scary. kelly is pregnant and that was scary. most of all, 52 people i love to death were in that bus fearing for their lives. thats the scariest thing ive ever considered. in a logical sense, there is no way one puny guardrail couldve saved all my friends in that out-of-control bus. yet, i think we all know that there were angels covering every single one if us. this was a definite wake-up call as everyone has been saying over the last few days. there really is a God and He loves us deeply!!! something else hit me though. we all need to show appreciation for eachother a lot more. i know i dont hang out with a lot of the people on that bus, but wow, i need you all to know that i love you and my world would be shot if anything had happened to you. i praise the Lord for your continuing existence. i apologize to the awesome waldheim people who came "on the trip"with dalmeny. i hope you can be around again even though the first time was a bit of a shock. basically, i just want to say to dalmeny and waldheim...i love you with all my heart. praise the Lord youre still here.
:: 1:01 PM::
::Hailey Jeanne::
girl| OXOXOXOXOXOX | femme | loves | piano | guitar | long romantic walks on the beach |
writing| singing | pineapple | the color orange | white chocolate | family | my roomie | laughing out loud | blowing bubbles | smiling | Softsoap Milk & Honey body wash | making up my own words |