::Friday, October 06, 2006::
I suppose my last post summed up the fantastic summer I had. It was beyond words amazing. When I talk about it with people, I always specify that, although no weeks were overly hard, no weeks were easy. I met God this summer...in a new way every week. I was sad to go home, wondering if Bethany would keep me excited or be a dissapointement after my earth-shattering summer.
Bethany has proven itself to be more than I expected. I am taking way too many classes it seems, yet I couldn't be happier. I ma so blessed to be here.
Besides the classes that I have to take, I'm taking psychology and practical worship leadership. Although I like some classes more than others, I am beyond excited to just be here and learn. I'm in the choir that performs over Christmas so that will be good. Everyone should come watch! Plus, I miraculously made it onto Point of Impact, a group of about fifteen of us who sing together and then, after our graduation in the spring, we go on a tour and sing all along the way. Our group is so awesome, vocally and just community-wise. It's such a blast to be onvolved and know it is where God wants you. I was sick all summer and still had no voice when I got to school. My audition was crap and my call-back was even worse, but where God wants me He will have me, so here I am.
That was the acedemic side of things, but there is so much more! I have a group of friends that beat the band. They came with me when I
finally got my conch pierced. They go stargazing all the time, and believe it or not, they go for like eight kilometer walks with me all the time. They are a strong spiritual support group as well and I am so blessed to be their friend. We always find things to do, and we always have fun. My journal is filling up faster than I can ever remember it filling up. From spontaneous burger runs to Martensville to going for a walk in Waldheim just because its so pretty there in the fall to just going to my house for a fire and cinnamon rolls to driving to Saskatoon to walk across the train bridge to jst standing a ways out into the country and watching the northern lights. There are countless things we've done just for kicks and I wouldn't trade them for the world. I need to share the awesome story of yesterday night.
Me, Jerilee, and our friend Greg went out walking yesterday evening. Right at the beginning of the year we started out own trend of walking out to the turnoff about three kims out of town down the gravel road. Needless to say, Jerilee and I were super hyper and needed to run off some steam. We started getting really spooked my things and my eyes started to play tricks on me, which made me feel as though I was five years old. greg kept making us walk closer to scary places and stuff and he was basically having the time of his life I guess, but it was all in fun. We walked even further than the turnoff out to the next farm. Anyways, walking back a huge truck was coming down the road and so we just stood off to the side since the stupid thing wasn't moving over at all. Now, Jerilee has this thing with loud noisees so when it was pretty close to us, she said "stop yelling" and just after she said it, the stupid truck honked its horn like eightteen times no joke. Jerilee and I both shrieked and grabbed Greg as tight as humanly possible, and he just stood there and laughed at us. It was so scary, I held on for dear life most of the way home. By the end of the walk, I was exhausted, not for the fact that I had been walking for the past like hour and a half at least, but because I had been laughing and screaming for the past like hour and a half at least. Woah...dejavu. Anyways, that about sums itup for now. I'm so happy and blessed and I couldn't ask for more. Life is good. I am officially a yellow ten! Does anyone understand that anymore?
:: 2:33 PM::
::Hailey Jeanne::
girl| OXOXOXOXOXOX | femme | loves | piano | guitar | long romantic walks on the beach |
writing| singing | pineapple | the color orange | white chocolate | family | my roomie | laughing out loud | blowing bubbles | smiling | Softsoap Milk & Honey body wash | making up my own words |