::Saturday, December 16, 2006::
I suppose there really isn't too much to write about since the last time I blogged, which wasn't all that long ago. I must say, I am proud of myself. Finals ended not too long ago. That is a huge relief. I had four finals in four days, and in the mornings no less. My first final, being Spiritual Formation, wasn't a hard exam. Seriously, how can you say that someone is formed spiritually wrong? You don't worship God the right way!!!!! Yeah, right. That evening brought about new stress and distraction, so the concept of studying for my Life of Christ final the next day was way over my head. Laying down in bed around 12:30-1:00 with no hope of sleeping, my mind began to wander. I thought of how badly I wanted someone to talk to and how, with my roommate asleep and the main building locked, chances of finding a someone were slim. However, doesn't God always have other plans? Yes. Yes He does. God gave me Nadia that night. I know I mentioned this in my last entry, but didn't come close to doing the story justice, so let me expand. I was heading to the lounge, deserted at this time of night, to study. She was awake and headed to an empty room to study when we met up. She asked how my day was and, I admit, I may have mumbled a few profanities. However, we sat down in the hallway and I poured it out, and I mean I
really poured it out. After my rant, she smiled and pulled me into a huge hug, kissed my cheek and said "you and I are incredibly similar." It was just what I needed. Then, we began to relate, and throw stories back and forth. Her study buddy gave up waiting for her and went to bed. I felt awful and apologized over and over. She barely noticed, knowing that God had brought us together that crazy night/morning just for this. We sat in the hallway talking until about 4:00. Finally, we decided to study a bit together. Why not, right? Unfortunatley, Nadia's growling stomache was very distracting, so we made a pot of macaroni and
then we studied. We worked through a ridiculous amount of comprehension questions focusing on Luke and John until around 5:30 when we both realized that our chances of writing two essays on such little sleep wasn't realistic, so we called it a night. Funny how God gives you people just like that. That final went smoothly. The next day, I was due to write Psychology. At this point, I was ready to hurt something or someone. Not in a literal sense, of course. I have nothing against Bethany, but several things had piled up at this point and, more than anything, I wanted off of that ridiculous campus and away form those ridiculous people. All I wanted to do was dress in a brown trench coat, go into a dingy coffee shop and write an award-winning novel while drinking myself into oblivion...using coffe of course. That night, I was blessed again. Near tears, Jerilee and I called home to ask for a ride just to get away for a while. Unfortunately, it didn't end up working that night and I felt I was at the end of my rope. Then Kim came. She lent Jerilee and I her car, which we used to drive to Saskatoon to our utopia - Tim Hortons. What a beautiful name. We were worried, as our generation of Bethany students prefers Tim Hortons to any other resturant in the city, and curfew had been abolished for the week, so therefore, Timmy's runs were frequent. However, the blessings poured out onto us. The one Bethany student that we saw the entire evening waved at us as he drove through the drive-thru. There were no distractions for us as I studied Psychology and Jerilee loomed over Minor Prophets. Well, actually, the couple talking about how drunk they were when they got whichever tatoos was kind of distracting, but hey, I can't complain. Our escape was a success and our final the next morning went amazingly well. Praise the Lord! Our last final was Bible Survey, which was the one I was definitely the most afraid of. Therefore, I decided to begin studying early. I locked myself in my room all afternoon and the earlier part of the evening. That night, Jerilee and I, and some of our friends went to play pool in the city. We were out until 3:00 on the morning of our final. It definitely wasn't as smooth as the others but it was definitely my hardest class. Plus, it was my last final and I wanted out. As soon as it was written, I fled to my room to wait for my mom. When people would come by and ask the ridiculous over-used question of: "Whatcha up to?" my simple response was: "Hiding." It was true. As I'm sure you can guess, finals did end, my mom did come, she drove me home, and that is where I sit right now, releasing my relief of unmentioned things at this poor, helpless computer. I like it. There is joy, however. For those of you who have me on msn, my name lately has been "un-happy Hailey" or Ex-Girlfriend" or something negative of the sort. However, if you come on again, you will se it has been recently changed to "New Mindset: You can turn off the sun but I'm still gonna shine."
:: 7:48 PM::
::Hailey Jeanne::
girl| OXOXOXOXOXOX | femme | loves | piano | guitar | long romantic walks on the beach |
writing| singing | pineapple | the color orange | white chocolate | family | my roomie | laughing out loud | blowing bubbles | smiling | Softsoap Milk & Honey body wash | making up my own words |