::Wednesday, February 28, 2007::
Wow, the funny stories just keep rolling in.
On Monday, I was bored. Hard to believe, I know. Anyway, so was one of my friends, Brady. I asked him, hypothetically of course, what he would do if he were bored in Hepburn. He just made fun of me as usual and said he would probably leave. So we left. We were planning on driving aimlessly as he had done earlier in the day. In his afternoon excursion he had found a bridge. When he told me about this, I remembered that writing my name on the Borden Bridge was on my life list. Therefore, our trip was not so aimless anymre. We drove to my parents house, picked up a marker and a flashlight and headed out. We got to the bridge, waded through knee-deep snow, walked halfway across and wrote my name on a tall column in the middle of the middle arch. It was thrilling. Then we waded back through the nasty deep snow, I dumped the snow out of my shoes, and we headed back towards home. I was so cold. You know when you hottub in winter and you wear shoes outside and leave thembeside the hottub? You know when like seventeen people pile into the hottub and it overflows into your shoes which results in really crusty cold shoes? Yeah, that was monday. We decided to head back to Dalmeny and warm up...actually, for me to warm up. I threw my shoes on the heater and my socks in the dryer, and went to watch the end of the "The Amazing Race" and the beginning of "CSI Miami". When we left, Brady offered me thekeys. Heck yes. It was so fun to drive that car. I had the seat cranked as far as it could go and i was still stretched out all the way, but I was all leaned back and relaxed, listening to "Mae". It was awesome. It was freeing in a way as well. For instance, the lights on the dash don't work so you can't see the spedometer. I really shouldnt write this because sometimes my parents read this blog, but I want to anyway. I love you Mom and Dad. Brady just said for me to go as fast as I feel comfortable. He later estimated that I was going about 120 which is a tad faster than I usually go. When we got back to Hepburn, we had a few minutes to kill so Brady taght me how to do donuts in the arena parking lot. Okay, I know that sounds dumb and that it is common sense but it is just something I have never done. Plus, Brady's car is rear-wheel drive so it's easier. I would never do donuts in our Ford at home...
So the other story I have is about yesterday. I have gone out a lot lately, probably everyday for the past four or five days. It has been a blast, but yesterday was really funny. I skipped concert choir (I love you Mom and Dad) to go the the city with Brady and Danny. We wanted to see a movie. They suggested "Borat" and I was okay with that but once we got there it looked kind of sick so I told them they could go to it and I would just hang out at Jimmy Java for a bit. I would have genuinely been okay with that but instead, we went to "Flushed Away". Dang, if I would have missed that movie, I would have quite possibly bit someones legs off. I used to have a bad perceptoin of this movie. Who wants to see a movie about cartoons in a sewer. You do. Trust me. I can honestly tell you that the plot isn't the best and it is kind of slow and short, but it was random to a hilarious point of convulsion. I can't even quote a part or say anything in particular that sticks out, but I just remember laughing til I cried, Brady laughing so I hard that my seat was shaking, and actually hearing Danny laugh, which was huge since I have basicaly never heard this guysvoice...ever. Such a funny movie. I recommend it to all. After the movie, we still had like an hour and a half to kill before we had to be back for unit meetings so. You know that other people know you too well when they know exactly what you want to do even when you insist that you have no opinion. We went out for ice cream. I gat a Smarties McFlurry and I don't care what you all say. The ice cream at McDonalds is REAL! Hahaha, anyway, it was really fun and so nice to just get away...again...and hang out and find joy. Good times.
:: 10:26 AM::
::Hailey Jeanne::
girl| OXOXOXOXOXOX | femme | loves | piano | guitar | long romantic walks on the beach |
writing| singing | pineapple | the color orange | white chocolate | family | my roomie | laughing out loud | blowing bubbles | smiling | Softsoap Milk & Honey body wash | making up my own words |