::Monday, March 26, 2007::
Baaah! The Hepburn Boys Strike Twice in One Night
Wow, yesterday was eventful. I not only had three deputations with Point of Impact. As soon as we arrived back at school, I got my second wind. As usual, Brady rescued me and we went for a walk in the country. We were kind of out in the middle of nowhere and it was getting a little late to be walking super far so we were headed back when a truck full of some of the local notorious Hepburn Boys drove up and asked us if we wanted a ride. We declined and began walking again. We heard them yell some other things but they kept driving the opposite way. I was a little nervous but it helped that Brady wasn't really nervous at all. Anyway, we headed back into town but ended up going and sitting at the top of the stairs that lead to the roof of the high school. At one point, I thought some ice melted and fell down lightly in front of us. However, it kept happening. It turned out that three drunk guys were throwing things at us. Brady was relaxed an I was nervous, yet again. I had the poor guy in death grip and I wasn't letting go...so yeah, I was pretty scared, especially when they started talking to us. The guy that talked to us was just a high school kid talking in a deep voice but it wasn't really a relief. He was being a chotch and kept throwing things. The rocks were getting bigger but we were just going to wait them out. The only thing I really insisted on is that I didn't want them to come around the school to the side where they could come up the stairs. They came around, or at least one guy did. He whipped this really hard-packed snowball at the side of the school. That sort of did it for us so Brady walked down before me and we walked in the opposite direction. The snowball I expected to hit me in the back of the head never came and we just went around the long way back to the school. When we were just at the entrance to the shcool, we saw the guys still at the school. They followed us a bit but we went right up to the school. He was talking about how he wanted to go find them and just make fun of them. Suddenly we heard them pretty cose. He just hugged and sent me off to my dorm and booted off in the directoin of the voices. Are you suicidal?
:: 4:26 PM::
::Hailey Jeanne::
girl| OXOXOXOXOXOX | femme | loves | piano | guitar | long romantic walks on the beach |
writing| singing | pineapple | the color orange | white chocolate | family | my roomie | laughing out loud | blowing bubbles | smiling | Softsoap Milk & Honey body wash | making up my own words |