::Thursday, March 15, 2007::
A classy day out.
Just the other day I was sitting in the pit with my friend, Brady, and I asked him to tell me a story. The story went like this:
There once was a girl named Hailey who write her Marriage and Famliy midterm, got a 89.5% on it, and her and her friend, Brady, went to see a movie to celebrate.
Sounds like a good story eh? Well, believe it or not, it came true! Well, I don't know if the mark is for real yet, but the celebration happened. We fleed Hepburn as soon as I was out of piano lessons. We entered the ciyt in the middle of rush hour. Praise the Lord for icy roads, spinning tired, slanted roads, and cars that snow on the inside. Also, praise the Lord for a heated car, safety, snow, and Chianti. That;s right. We went out for nice pasta and that great bread dipped in that vat of fabulous oil. Yum. After that, we were going to see Zodiac, but unfortunately, if started later and, as it was a wednesday night, we didn't want to stay out uber-late. We ended up seeing Children of Men. Originally, I was scared to soo this movie. However, it was so not what I expected. It was actually a really good movie with some comic relief throughout. Watch out for the Natoinal Geographic moments, though. Really good times. Then, we tried to find a Tim Horton's that we had never been to. This part of the story won't be funny to anyone but us but I've gotta try. We decided to go to one across the river. It took us a freaking long itme for us to figure out that we were already across the river. We laughed at ourselves and then just decided to fllow a street...the one that took us directly out of the city. Very quickly, too! We drove over train tracks and Saskatoon was gone. We alughed so hard, admitted defeat, and headed towards the familiar Timmy's on 51st. We found a new one on the way though, so we ended up going to that one instead. It was the definition of gong-show, but it was so much fun. I laughed...a lot.
So that was my latest fun day. Now I am sleepy and must go to sleep. I love you all.
:: 10:19 PM::
::Hailey Jeanne::
girl| OXOXOXOXOXOX | femme | loves | piano | guitar | long romantic walks on the beach |
writing| singing | pineapple | the color orange | white chocolate | family | my roomie | laughing out loud | blowing bubbles | smiling | Softsoap Milk & Honey body wash | making up my own words |